• Why Education lockdown only ? The future of Near about 3 generations of India spoiled due to lockdown when it comes to other things nobuddy is suppose to talk about it and our well educated bureaucrats are supporting to this. • The protection of youth is very important in this pendemic but there are thousands of ways to remain schools collages coaching centres functional but unfortunate our govt. Is not going to make serious decisions for Education System • Students are future of India but its also unfortunate to see the future india in danger • If viruses really exists than why other places (mall cenimas tourist places ) functioning normally • This is crystal clear that govt. Wants to grab the roots of education system. • we are not aganist lockdown but still just think about us lacks of students are going to appear in neet this year and from last 2years they are facing this problem so there are many ways to remain education system funtional (offli...
__This is what i make for u is ncert shortnotes. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM The brain is the central information processing organ of our body, and acts as the ‘command and control system’. It controls the voluntary movements, balance of the body, thermoregulation, and the brain also processes vision, hearing, speech etc. The human brain is well protected by the skull. Inside the skull, the brain is covered by cranial meninges consisting of an outer layer called dura mater a very thin middle layer called arachnoid and an inner layer called pia mater . The brain can be divided into three major parts: forebrain midbrain hindbrain Fig. Brain Forebrain The forebrain consists of cerebrum thalamus hypothalamus A deep cleft divides the cerebrum longitudinally into two halves, which are termed as the left and right cerebral hemispheres . The hemispheres are connected by a tract of nerve fibres called corpus callosum . The layer of cells whi...
My first ever poem on my mother read it and relate it .. "Mother is a summer of winter and winter of summer " <script async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-4249528535307907" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
HEART , the mesodermally derived organ, is situated in the thoracic cavity, in between the two lungs, slightly tilted to the left. It has the size of a clenched fist. It is protected by a double walled membranous bag, pericardium, enclosing the pericardial fluid. Our heart has four chambers, two relatively small upper chambers called atria and two larger lower chambers called ventricles. A thin, muscular wall called the inter- atrial septum separates the right and the left atria, whereas a thick-walled, the inter-ventricular septum, separates the left and the right ventricle The atrium and the ventricle of the same side are also separated by a thick fibrous tissue called the atrio-ventricular septum. However, each of these septa are provided with an opening through which the two chambers of the same side are connected. The opening between the right atrium and the right ventricle is guarded by a valve formed of three muscular flaps or cusps, the tricuspid valve, wher...
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